Sunday 1 March 2009

Qatar Now

Qatar Now Since His Highness The Amir, Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani assumed power in 1995, the State of Qatar with its limited financial and human resources took a turning point on the political, media, economic, social and information levels.

As a result of this policy the country has witnessed in the past years major economic transformations, specifically in the oil , gas and petrochemicals industry , through investments worth billions of dollars.In the field of energy, oil production levels were raised to about 800,000 barrels a day from onshore and offshore fields. In the gas sector a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Qatar Petroleum (QP) and the South African company (SASOL) to produce between 34-40 thousand barrels per day of high quality petroleum products of natural gas. A contract was also signed with the American company (EXXON) to produce around 80,000 barrels a day of high quality petroleum products extracted from The North Field for Natural Gas. As a result of contracts with some European and East Asian States, to increase its imports of natural liquefied gas, the Qatari natural liquefied gas exports are expected to reach 13 million tons annually by the end of the current year.Furthermore, a contract was finalized between QGPC and the Exchange Bureau of Abu Dhabi to export around one billion cubic feet per day of dry gas through pipelines, to be used in the U.A.E. This amount is expected to be increased to about 3 billion cubic feet to cover UAE and Oman. The negotiations with Kuwait have reached an advanced stage for supplying it with an amount of dry gas ranging between (750) million to one billion cubic feet per day.On the other hand the petrochemical industry which depends on gas, is witnessing vast expansions which include Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) and Qatar Fertilizer Company (QAFCO) to enable the export of a few million tons of these products every year, such as ammonia, urea, phenyl since Qatar is considered one of the leading countries

In view of the great importance of foreign trade on the Economy of Qatar, export revenues are considered the main source of financing public expenditure and development in Qatar. Import is the only means to obtain various kinds of commodities. In 1994, Qatar acceded to “The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade” (GATT) which is now known as the World Trade Organization. A year after hosting one of the most important and successful conferences of “The Islamic Summit”, which was and still is hailed on the regional and international level for its excellent organization and management, Qatar was able to host in November 2001, an extremely important event namely the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization. It became the focus of attention of economic and social quarters worldwide, both in the big industrial countries and the developing ones. This conference represents an important turning point in the course of the world economy and a starting point towards deepening and expanding international cooperation worldwide to serve rich and poor nations alike.At the end of the conference, in which over 143 countries participated and over 5000 people attended its activities over the course of five days, a new round of multilateral negotiations was launched (and called The Doha Round).This was considered as an overwhelming success for the Doha Conference, as it achieved what the Seattle Conference failed to do, before.

sector has been given great attention, supported and promoted through: direct investment in both the transformational and extraction industries; setting up industries that depend on petroleum, gas and local raw materials; providing incentives that may encourage the private sector to invest in the industrial development projects; development of the infrastructure needed for such projects; and finally enactment of laws and legislations to regulate investment of foreign capital in the economic activities.

Qatar steel Company. The State of Qatar is trying to make the best of this sector because, it has the basic elements for this industry as well as beautiful touristic areas and beaches on a 500 kilometer stretch surrounding the Qatari Peninsula, which reaches into the middle of the Arabian Gulf water and look like a rectangular or a palm of a hand from south to north west. Like other countries in the region, Qatar has beautiful weather from November through April, which corresponds to the cold period in the northern hemisphere.Qatar pays special attention to this sector for the important role it plays in promoting and activating the national economy, so it established the Tourism General Organization. H.H. The Amir of Qatar Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, issued a decree in July 2000 setting up the General Tourism Authority as a corporate body with an independent budget attached to the general budget of the state. This organization is under The Council of Ministers and located in the city of Doha. It aims at formulating the country’s general policy of tourism regulating, developing and marketing it both locally and abroad. It also supervises and controls all activities of tourism in the country.

Qatar Tourism Authority. Qatar National Hotels Company

The Provisional Amended Basic statute defines the system of rule in the State, organizes its authorities and establishes the fundamental principles of its policy. But, thirty years have elapsed since the statute was issued, during which the features and affiliations of the State and its various authorities and bodies gained experience derived from actual exercise of powers.As a continuation to the Islamic heritage in the building of society, in securing the basis of rule, in consolidating the Shura and popular participation in decision making, the firm resolve of H.H. The Amir was directed towards concluding the establishment of a modern state, by enhancing the role of Shura, democracy and the popular participation of the citizens: in decision making; in determining their affairs, in defining their path and in drawing the policies of their homeland. Thus, The Amiri Decree (No.11) of the year 1999 was issued. H.H. The Amir was keen that the committee members be men of intellect, opinion and expertise. A 3 years period was set for the preparation of the Constitution. Moreover, H.H. The Amir underlined the main outlines of the constitution which would be as a sign post to the building, defining the system of the rule and determining the State’s authorities and their specialization, and relations to each other and the citizens. The constitution shall be based on the principles of our divine Islamic faith, genuine Arab traditions and the reality of the Gulf, Arab and Islamic belonging, and characterized by stability and firmness, realizing the expectations and the aspirations of the citizens.Then followed the speech by His Highness on 28th April 2003 addressed to the Qatari People on the occasion of the referendum on the Permanent Constitution of the State of Qatar, in which His Highness the Amir confirmed His determination to build a prosperous and stable state based on religion, morals, science and Knowledge, with justice and the Constitution as the foundation for its governance. Believing in the importance of His people’s opinions and seeking for a better present and future for the country, the citizens and the coming generations, His Highness issued an Amiri Decree calling on the Qatari People to vote freely for the Draft Constitution, for it is from them and to them. Tuesday 29th April 2003 was a historical day for the State of Qatar, as the Qatari people responded to their Amir’s call; the elderly and the young, men and women alike proceeded to the ballot boxes which reflected their awareness and sense of responsibility towards their country, as well as their eagerness to participate in expressing their opinions on their country’s constitution. 96.64% of the voters agreed to the Constitution, setting the foundations for a new era and a civilized move that will open broad scopes for the development and progress of the country. . The media sector has witnessed a remarkable qualitative leap, which resulted in the cancellation of The Ministry of Information and censorship on newspapers which in turn led to the freedom to express opinion and counter-opinion in line with the national role which conforms with the country’s prospective development process.The cancellation of The Ministry of Information shows the awareness of the significant role of the media in accordance with the future perspective of the development process, and in response to mechanisms of development and modernization in the media in order to perfect its national task.Moreover, the setting up of The General Organization for Radio and Television, was one of the achievements which reflected a clear awareness of the expected role of the Organization’s media bodies, making big achievements at news, programming and engineering levels. Besides, connecting all sections to the central computer networks, introducing Internet services, developing the work of the sections, studios and space communication networks, and installing additional and modern equipment, which resulted in the efficiency of the Qatar’s media performance and the promotion of its position abroad.Meanwhile, the local press performs a distinguished and pioneer national informative function that reflects the aspects of development and openness in Qatar, locally and abroad.Achievements and contributions have been accompanied by progress in all fields, including the freedom of speech and the democratic approach as well as activating public participation decision-making. Therefore, the elections of The Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry and elections of The Central Municipal Council reflected this civilized and democratic approach.

Qatar News Agency. Al-Jazeera News Channel.

In recent years, the Qatari woman has gained her proper position in society. She participated in the municipal elections as an elector and a candidate, assumed high offices, and was elected as a member of The United Nation’s Child’s Rights Committee, out of the belief in Qatar’s role in providing full care and requirements for child advancement.Furthermore, the setting up of The Supreme Council for Family Affairs, headed by Her Highness, The Spouse of His Highness The Amir, reflects the State’s increasing interest in the development of the Qatari family, maintaining its identity, and achieving its social, cultural and financial balance, so that it becomes a successful and productive unit in the society, under contemporary challenges. Her Highness Consort of The Amir has paid special attention to all the aspects of life which highlight the role of the Qatari woman and encourage her to bear her social responsibilities and participate in the public life.H.H. Shaikha Mozah sponsors women conferences which intended to discuss women issues, and suggests solutions for the problems and challenges that she may encounter in the labor market. H.H. has also paid great attention to educational programs; and mainly to governmental and intergovernmental educational institutions. She has always attended and actively participated in the meetings of the academic leaderships at the scientific, educational and sports events. A general observer may easily acknowledge H.H’s. interest in keeping in touch with the academic leaderships, and her eagerness to get acquainted with the latest educational programs, in order to adopt what goes well with our country’s principles, Islamic religion’s teachings and social customs.H.H. has spared no effort in order to achieve real progression in the quality of education and in bringing up a qualified generation that is able to deal with the development and technologies of the present time. Therefore, H.H. was a main supporter of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, which was founded in 1996 as an independent organization. Its first outcome was the program of “ Qatar Academy”. Other leading projects developed under the umbrella of the Qatar Foundation are: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. Virginia Commonwealth University - School of Arts in Qatar. Texas A&M University in Qatar. RAND-Qatar Policy Institute. Science and Technology Park. H.H. has not forgotten the disabled, as she honored them by sponsoring activities dedicated to them. She worked on establishing special associations for the deaf and the dumb. She also opened Al-Noor Institute for the blind, where they are being well attended to and rehabilitated. Under her sponsorship, The National Committee for Special Needs was also founded in June 1998, with Dr. Shaikha Ghalia bint Mohammed Al- Thani as head, and number of doctors and other specialists as members. One of its main tasks was to prepare for the establishment and management of The Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs.H.H. Shaikha Mozah has sponsored many women activities and demonstrations. One of them was “ The woman between family and work” in 1997, the recommendations of which focused on a variety of activities that help the means of supporting and protecting the family. She also sponsored the 1st and 2nd woman conferences in March 1994 and May 1996 successively. Out of His Highness’s belief in the Qatari woman and her decision making abilities and leading high administrative positions, a number of Qatari women occupied positions as decision makers, both locally and internationally. Here are some examples: Internationally: 1. Dr. Ghalia bint Mohammed bin Hamed Al-Thani is a member of the UN’s International Child Rights Committee.2. Dr. Lolwa Al-Misnad is a member in the UN’s Social and Economic Committee.3. Dr. Lolwa Al-Misnad was appointed the Assistant Secretary General for Projects and Industrial Studies in the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consultations. Locally: 1. Her Highness Shaikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Misnad, Consort of H.H. The Amir, is Chair person of The Supreme Council for Family Affairs.2. Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa bin Hamed Al-Thani, is Vice President of The Supreme Council for Family Affairs.3. · H.E. Mrs. Shaikha Ahmed Al-Mahmood has been appointed Minister of Education, thus making the first woman in the Gulf States to be appointed as a minister.4. · Electing Mrs. Shaikha Yousef Al-Jufairi as the first woman in the Gulf to be a member of the Central Municipal Council. 5. · Dr. Shaikha Abdulla Al-Mesnad, has been appointed Chancellor of The University of Qatar.

The idea of electing the Central Municipal Council was revived when His Highness The Amir Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani issued the law No. (12) for the year 1998 regulating the law of election of The Central Municipal Council. In addition His Highness issued the Amiri Decree No. (17) in the same year which regulates the election The Central Municipal Council members. A number of committees were formed namely: the committees on law, security, press, technique and supply and preparation. In addition there is the preparatory committee which was formed under the kind patronage of The Spouse of His Highness The Amir of the State of Qatar to prepare programs intended to enlighten the Qatari woman on the importance of The Central Municipal elections and her role as an elector and candidate.Some (248) candidates including 6 ladies nominated themselves for the membership of The Central Municipal Council, all competing to occupy the (29) seats for a four year term. Monday 8th March 1999 was set for voting. Male and female citizens who registered themselves in their constituencies reached (21995) voters.The Municipal Council election experience gained vast official and popular welcome, and acceptance. The participation of the Qatari women in this experience in their capacity as electors and candidates had a wide scale positive reaction at the local and foreign levels. Some (35) Arab and foreign members of parliament were invited to witness the first elections held in Qatar.The Qatari democratic experience, compared to others in the region, excelled in four main aspects: First, the elector’s age in Qatar is (18), to guarantee more participation and expand the democratic contribution. Qatar also excelled in using the media in the Gulf to broadcast live the discussions and debates between the electors and candidates. Qatar also was the first in the region to give women the chance to participate in the elections as a voter and candidate. Members of The Central Municipal Council of the 29 constituencies were offered places, where they could meet with the people of their constituencies. * The Council's Mission: The Council’s aims are using all available means to achieve progress in the country in the fields of Municipal affairs, and in order to achieve its goals The Central Municipal Council should carry out the following responsibilities, and exercise authorities and specializations as follows:First: Supervising the execution of the laws, decisions and regulations of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs those related to the regulation of buildings and planning of lands, roads, public, industrial and commercial shops and other regulations authorizing the Council to supervise the implementation.Second: Researching in the planning, programming, economic, social, financial, and administrative fields of the municipal and agricultural affairs.

The Central Municipal Council .

Since its very beginning and throughout its development stages, the Qatari community has protected human rights through laws and legislations issued, in compliance with the principles of Islamic Sharia and the Qatari true values and traditions. Decree Law No. 38 for the year 2002 of establishing The National Committee Of Human Rights confirms this commitment and acts as a fundamental pillar for the state of institutions and law that was established by H.H. The Amir. The Decree Law states that it is one of the committee’s tasks to work for achieving the goals specified in the international agreements and charters related to human rights, to which the State is a party. Besides, the committee shall offer consultations to the concerned bodies in the State on issues related to human rights and freedoms, look into human rights violations, whenever they exist, and propose methods of solving them and avoiding their occurrence. The committee will comprise: 1- Mr. Khalid Mohamed Abdullah al-Attiyah. 2- Dr Shaikha Ghaliah bint Mohamed bin Hamad al-Thani. 3- Dr Yousuf Obeidan Fakhro. 4- Dr Aysha Yousuf al-Mannai. 5- Dr Mohamed Saleh al-Sadah. 6- Shaikh Khalid bin Jassim al-Thani, as a representative of the Foreign Ministry. 7- Lt Col Hamad Ahmed al-Muhannadi, of the Interior Ministry. 8- Mr. Abdullah Mohamed al-Mereikhi, of the Ministry of Civil Services Affairs and Housing. 9- Mr. Salem Rashed al-Mereikhi, of the Justice Ministry. 10- Dr Saad Rashed al-Kaabi, of the Public Health Ministry. 11- Mr. Yousuf Ali Yousuf al-Khater, of the Education Ministry. 12- Mr. Faisal Abdullah al-Mahmoud, of the Wakfs and Islamic Affairs Ministry. 13- Mrs. Nour Abdullah al-Maliki, of the Higher Council for Family Affairs

The National Committee for Human Rights .

The State of Qatar, since its independence and out of its historical, political and national commitment, is following a policy that is based on the unification of destiny and goal of the Gulf, Arab and Islamic states. This consolidates cooperation with all neighboring, friendly peace loving countries in a context of mutual respect and common interests, promotes and serves international peace and security thus achieving prosperity for all countries and peoples.Since its independence, Qatar through the clear goals of its foreign policy has won respect and appreciation on the various levels as it is distinguished with its insight and coping with the latest changed events and different political developments in the world.This role was clearly formulated since H.H. Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani came to power, and the Qatari diplomacy was based on a number of solid foundations including: 1. Adhering to the rights of sovereignty of the state and non interference in internal affairs and refraining from axis policy.2. Adhering to the rules of international legality and coping with international changes and developments or adapting to them.3. Adopting the philosophy of “Pragmatic Diplomacy” and accepting consequences of contributing to the regulation of peace and rejecting to resort to force in solving conflicts. This role was demonstrated on a number of occasions: 1. The Qatari participation in the tripartite Gulf committee charged with the task of finding a mechanism to resolve the dispute between Iran and the United Arab Emirates over the Emirates’ islands. This role was also demonstrated when H.H. The Amir of Qatar paid a visit to Iran in the summer of 2000, where this issue was on the agenda of the Qatari-Iranian summit.2. The Qatari role in the Sudan reconciliation efforts and hosting meetings between the different Sudanese groups. Furthermore, the mediation between Eritrea and Ethiopia to maintain peace and security in the region. It also played an important peacemaking role in the Jordanian crisis with members of Hamas to avoid any escalation that may not serve either sides in the light of the current developments of the settlement process. The Qatari stance puts emphasis on the importance of adherence to the principle of negotiating according to the resolutions of international legality and holding on to Islamic and Palestinian sovereignty on Al-Aqsa Mosque and holy Islamic and Christian places. The Qatari diplomatic and political movement in the Arab world is based on its deep and firm conviction that mainly aims at unifying stances towards the crucial issues, discarding differences, supporting Arab solidarity, adopting the principle of dialogue and giving priority to the national interests.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In line with its permanent support of issues of the Islamic nation, Qatar hosted on November 2000 the 9th Islamic Summit that resulted in important outcomes as regards supporting the nation’s issues, integration and unity in facing challenges as well as resulting in a realistic solidified Arab and Islamic stance leading up to a new phase in which the State of Qatar leads OIC towards activating its role and helping it reach its goals of the unity of Muslims and enhancing their cooperation in all fields, and resolving their problems.These results and resolutions have earned respect and praise from leaders and peoples of the Islamic nation since they are clear and expressive of the common Islamic view towards achieving goals, and showing the confidence that OIC will witness during the Qatari chairmanship, the vitality of its activities and ability to work positively and assuring that the results show a major development of joint Islamic actions and that the State of Qatar’s ability to turn these results into concrete action and achieve the high hopes which Islamic countries attach to the Qatari leadership for serving all issues of the Islamic nation.As a result, the State of Qatar has made a successful and effective political and diplomatic move on the highest levels to reap the benefits reached at Doha Islamic Summit. The ministerial committee of the 9th Islamic Summit Conference has taken big steps on the regional and international levels, supporting the issues of the nation and winning overall respect and praise from leaders and peoples of the nation.

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